Thursday, January 18, 2007

So it's been awhile...

Ok - I've been guilt tripped into posting again. Mostly because i've been tagged by something called a Meme... basically i now have to reveal 5 things baout myself that people don't know.

Ummm... i don't have any secrets! This is hard.

#1 I'm allergic to cheap jewellery. I kid you not, i can only wear precious metals in my ears or they go all yucky.

#2 I count things. For example if i'm on a bus i'll count all the windows on the buildings that we pass. Or if i'm sitting in the lounge watching tv i'll count the ceiling tiles. Or at work i'll count how many people are in the room etc I also count to try and get to sleep - i don't mean i count sheep, i just run the numbers through my head over and over again until i fall asleep, i guess it's a little like meditating. I can even do it in three different languages!

#3 I hate computers. That may seem a little strange since i work in the IT industry - but there you have it.

#4 I get more upset by animals being hurt than i do by humans getting hurt.

#5 When i was a kid i wanted to be a vampire when i grew up. I don't know why - i think it might have been something to do with wanting to be able to fly.

Ok, now that i've got my posting groove back i'll do a bit of back logging about what i've been up to.


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