Saturday, July 29, 2006

Super hero's - Thursday, October 06, 2005 (old post)

I really like super hero's, i always wanted to be one... as a kid i mean.

Charlotte and i wondered what our friends names would be if we were all super hero's. We came up with some ideas but feel free to come up with your own ones :-)

Me - i wanted to be Wonder Woman but it's already taken, so Vinnie suggested 'Super Bitch'... i'm not so sure though, it's not that cool.

Char - 'Duck Girl' and she can say things like "Quack" or "To the duck pond!"

Luke - 'Meat Man' and he can say things like "I eat 1200 chickens, 300 cows and 2 goats a year" or "yeild to the power of meat!" and "I feel like a steak".

Shay - 'IT-tech Man' with sayings like "is that OS RedHat, Windows or OS X?" or "there's an error in the registry!"

Lisa - 'Shakespeare Girl' and she can say stuff like “I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano, A stage where every man must play a part, And mine a sad one.” or "Where for art thou Romeo" and "Dang that Marlowe".

Eddie - 'Island Boy' with sayings like "relax, take a load off" and "anyone for pina colada's?"

Kate - 'Sloth Girl' and she'll definitely say "I'm not a Sloth!" and "I can't be bothered" or "I think i'll just stay in tonight".

Tommo - 'Banker Boy' who will have sayings such as "Finance is not a joke" and "Vote National"

Sav - 'Skater Boy' who says things like "ouch" when he falls off his board and skins his knees and "I've just got to find a bush to leave my board in" and not much else cause he's real quiet.

Ewen - 'Smartass Man' who generally gives really good come backs.

Jo - 'Enviro Girl' and she would say things like 'on yer bike' and 'be a tidy kiwi'.

Haha. Give me more ideas!

posted by Michelle @ 12:38 PM

4:52 PM, October 06, 2005, Lrav said...
What the hell sort of name is 'Meat Man'???? What did I do to deserve this?!I think you should give us all kick ass accessories. I bags the meat tenderiser. And knives. And a leather outfit. Tight leather.Another good one for Kate is 'Indicisive Girl', who says things like 'you look great in all those tops' and 'what d'you rekon?'

8:31 PM, October 06, 2005, Lis said...
Hmmm, does that mean my weapon of choice is the pen? Cause no matter what they say, if it comes to a pen versus a sword, the sword is going to slice you into little bloody pieces of flesh, whilst a pen will leave a dent at most. Although, one of those big quill pens would be quite cool...

8:12 AM, October 07, 2005, Michelle said...
Yeah! you guys have got the idea. Luke wants to wear really tight leather. Ok.Lisa, you could also use sharp edged paper to fling at people and give them paper cuts. And you could wear a cool shakespearean outfit, poofy pants, tights, waistcoat thingamee, hat with a huge feather in it. It'll be great.

8:55 AM, October 07, 2005, Lrav said...
So what is 'super bitch's' outfit? And apart form a lashing tongue, what are your other weapons?

9:14 AM, October 07, 2005, Michelle said...
Eh, i don't really want to be super bitch. Maybe i could be 'Travel Girl'. I can't think of anything cool.But, if i have to be super bitch i guess i'd wear... whaterver i damn well feel like! And besides a lashing tongue my powers would be a withering glare and a cruel laugh maybe?It just doesn't sound like me... aye? aye guys? right?

4:00 PM, October 07, 2005, Lrav said...
ummmm... sure.

4:39 PM, October 07, 2005, Lis said...
How about...tidy freak girl. Your wepons could be disinfectant and a duster

1:35 PM, October 08, 2005, Rosco said...
I reckon Super Bitch's weapons would be a long red spiked whip shaped like a tongue and insult stars, much like ninja stars but when they hit they release an insult that cuts deep. Not that you're Super Bitch or anything.

11:13 AM, October 09, 2005, Lis said...
Rosco, you should write comic books, or 'graphic novels' as some like to be refered to as these days

8:15 AM, October 10, 2005, Michelle said...
'Tidy Freak Girl'... i like it. Although Rosco maked the super bitch weapons sound pretty damn cool.

12:13 PM, October 10, 2005, sav said...
I want to see luke in some sort of meat leather, or just encased in a variety of meat with just his eyes showing. Then people can come along and eat bits off him (this would make him a popular superhero), or maybe he can slowly eat himself.

3:11 PM, October 10, 2005, Michelle said...

6:18 PM, October 11, 2005, Lis said...
Sav mate, we don't want to hear about your sick fantasies. :)

1:48 PM, October 12, 2005, ewen said...
Im pretty keen on Smartass man, I'll hide in the shadows ready to leap out with a sharp retort to defend the weak and dim-witted.Also, Shay and Luke, I have noticed Costi refers to us as Men unlike our lesser friends, bad luck Tommo and Sav.We should also have sidekicks, here are some for starters:Mine: The Comeback Kid (who will rub some extra salt in the wounds of my well-timed quips)Sav: Avril LavigneCosti: Little BitchKate: A pet Sloth with some cool superpower, like the ability to 'play dead'

2:07 PM, October 12, 2005, Michelle said...
Ahaha! ahahahahaha...See what i mean? 'Smartass Man' is perfect for Ewen. BTW having man/boy or girl/woman is no reflection on the person, i just went with what names suited best... feel free to change your own super hero names if you don't like what i came up with, i can always edit the post :-)This is great, we could have our own cartoon series. All we need is a cartoonist to draw up all the characters. Rob?

11:31 AM, October 13, 2005, Kelly_Cali said...
What about me??? What am I going to be? :-( *sniff sniff*

2:20 PM, October 22, 2005, Michelle said... You're definitely 'Cat Girl' Kel :-)


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